A major focus of the Green Group has been towards "Decarbonization of Long-Haul Trucking". Long-haul trucking is responsible for aorund 8% of the global greenhouse gas emissions, but lacks consensus regarding the optimal decarbonization approach. The possible options include: Hydrogen, Batteries, Bio-Fuels and much much more. Our work has focused on evaluating each option through technoecomic analysis and provided an "apples-to-apples" comparision. We are also developing new powertrain technologies which will open the possibilites to other reneable fuels. We have summarized the key findings of our currently ongoing work in the white papers listed below:
2. Battery Electric Options for Long-Haul Trucking
3. Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHCs) for Long-Haul Trucking
Here is a brochure containing the main takeaways from our studies on decarbonization of long-haul trucking:
1. Decarbonization of Long-Haul Trucking
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